Registration Page

Updated : 1/1/2025




 Northville Soccer Registration for Spring 2025



      Registration opens January 6th

     Register only if you wish for your son or daughter to be placed on a team.


     Northville Soccer may assign you to volunteer coach.

     No volunteers, last parents to registered will be picked.


     Refunds only if we can NOT place your player onto a team.


     • NSA will make every attempt to grant special requests.

     • Teams maybe at their max number of players... Check here... after we start listing registrations.

     • If an age-group or team is full NSA may move your player up one age-group.

     • No refunds once registered, unless we can not place a player onto a team.

     • Times are posted in Parents Column for our current offering of games U4 through U8.

     • It is your responsibility to look up your player's: team, times and coach. All found on Home page.

Have ready before starting…..

         A) Conflicts dates help the coach plan

         B)  Your player can play with a friend; they both need to ask for each other.

               Exact spelling of their friend's first and last name is required for pairing.

               If the friend’s name is misspelled we will not be able to match them up.

         C) For U8 & younger, game times are in the parent’s column under Schedules.

         D) Obtain your Northville ID # if they played the prior season.

         E) For the Volunteer coach please have their: Email, cell phone and conflict dates

         F) Credit Card.

         G) Uniform Size if you need a new one.


(1)   Northville ID # Click here… (please have this number to register)


           If new to Northville Soccer, use a 0 (zero) for the ID#.

           Please use this number to assure your player will return to the correct team.   


Early-Registration end 6 weeks prior to the first game, it allows a player to return to their team (if that team forms) and with no additional registration fees. NSA will continue to registering players up to the first week of games. Players registering after this date will be added to teams with low numbers.

By registering you have agreed to our refund policy. Teams start forming 6 weeks prior to the first game, a $25 additional fee after this date for registration and/or assigned team change. 

 (2) Register

 A list of players will be posted to the “Parent’s Column” on 8 weeks prior to the first game.

 It will show the progress of our team formations and is used to confirm your registration. Please check this list each week prior to our season start. No Refunds policy below.


  Birth Year     Age Groups for 2024 Spring

2021    U4






















HSO Freshmen and Sophomores


HSO Freshmen and Sophomores


HSO Juniors and Seniors


HSO Juniors and Seniors


HSO Juniors and Seniors


Age groups are based on a calendar year.


Please read and sign our Codes of Conduct (Player, Parent and Coach).

Bring to the first practice these codes of conduct, coaches to the April 1st coaches meeting.

Along with your signed form on concussion understanding.

Parents: Click here to see the Adobe PDF file of the Parent’s Code of Conduct

Players:  Click her to see the  Adobe PDF file of the Player’s Code of Conduct

Volunteer Coach:  Click her to see the PDF file of the Coach’s Code of Conduct

Parent Bring this Concussion: Click here for PDF file on Concussion Form



Northville Soccer is an all volunteer organization running soccer development since 1973.

Our recreational program is one of the best in Michigan. We were one of the first clubs to instill small sided games for players U8 and younger. U by the way means under.

Each month we have a coaching education hour. Times and place will be in the “Coach’s Column of the Home Page.



NSA offers three types of soccer: Recreational, Rush Jr. Academy and competitive tryout year-round Northville Jaguars.

Our recreational has two seasons, Fall and Spring and is open to any first time players or multi-sport athlete.

Michigan Northville-Jaguars (U8 and older players) starts with tryouts once a year, the third Saturday in June. Our Northville branch has some of the highest trained and licensed coaches in the state of Michigan. It is a full year commitment with indoor training and games. Development is their focus.


Rush Jr. Academy is a year round program for our U5, U6 and U7-8 boys and girls that is coached and trained by very qualified staff and is on a first come first served bases. We are very proud of our staff and their commitment to developing youth players. It is the best program in the state. More information about Northville Jaguars and Rush Jr. email Northvillesoccer (at) .




Refunds if your player is NOT placed on a Team...

Forming teams takes a lot of time: finding a volunteer coach, uniforms, balancing teams, trying to accommodate special request. Northville Soccer is a 501 c 3 nonprofit volunteer organization our recreational program is purely volunteer based.

This is the reason we have a No refunds policy with the except for:

1)      a medical reason along with a written Doctor’s excuse for not playing our soccer season

2)      job related moves of 50 miles or more.

We must be notified by mid-night March 1 (Spring) or July 1 (Fall), via an email to: northvillesoccer (at)  or faxed to: 248 349-6854

After the above dates, refunds will be half of the registration fee for the above two reasons.


NSA will work hard to honor your request. The earlier you register the more likely you will be granted any special request. U8 and under game days and times are posted on the home page. The work of forming teams takes place in a very short period of time.  Please only register if you are committed to having your player play soccer, if we place them on a team, no refund.


Refunds for High School.  Players trying out for a High School teams must also notify NSA via an email to: northvillesoccer (at)  or faxed to: 248 349-6854 and contact the NSA the age group commissioner, with in 2 days of the posted announcement of making the High School.



Wait Listed Player’s and other refunds will be processed (1) month after start of season.

NSA will make every attempt possible to place your son or daughter on a team. Registrations close to start of season sometime can results in the wait listing of the player. Wait Listing is when there are no long spots on current existing teams in their age group or the age group older. Our U8 and under program NSA has more flexibility to place players. U9 WSSL and older teams, submission of these teams takes place 6 week prior to start of season, limiting us from adding additional teams.



All refunds for the above, are made one month after the start of the season.



Safety of Players:

No jewelry of any type is permitted during practices and or games.

Covering earrings with tape or band-aids is NOT permitted.


Jewelry: from FIFA’s Laws of the game page 19.

“Referees are reminded that, in accordance with Law 4, players may not

wear any kind of jewelry, which is dangerous for himself or another

player. Earrings cannot be taped or covered by a bandaid.”



Jersey  and  Equipment

 Soccer cleats only, (not baseball or football) are required for ages U9 and above. All soccer players require shin guards. Players are responsible for bring water (only in refillable containers) and an inflated soccer ball to all practices and games. When buying a ball look for balls made of polyurethanes or PU, and remember to purchase a ball pump. Ball Size: U4 through U8 a size 3, U9 through U12 a size 4 and size 5 for all older teams.


Coaching as a volunteer:

“Coaching is a very rewarding experience”  

Recreational Soccer is only possible with volunteer parent coaches.  If we are short coaches we will be calling everyone on the formed team. U6 and under has practice and game at the same time once a week. U7 and U8 consist of a game and separate practice one hour each week. U9 and older is normally two practices each week for an hour and one game. If you volunteer as a coach, NSA directors of coaching will help you with a practice plans and offer game strategies. Our monthly coach’s meetings we go over the basics to the specifics of the current methodologies of coaching.  Your commitment is one to Three hours a week for our 8 week season. We ask you as a coach to make this first and foremost fun for your players. A single focus on winning will turn players off to soccer. It is about the individual development achievements that coach MUST nurture in each and every player.

 If you wish to coach:

Coach, or if you are volunteering your spouse, please use a phone and email you or they will use on a daily bases.  

Volunteer coach’s requirements   - WE NEED YOU!

All volunteer coaches are required to complete a Got Sports background check ($7.50), concussion certificate and Safe Sports. Please use the email and mobile number you wish to be contacted as the Head or Assistant Coach.  When volunteering your spouse, also let him or her know they have been volunteered ;-), please make him or her aware of the requirements below.


Coaching is a very rewarding experience.  

NSA will help with you learn the game and guide you on how to coach. We would not be able to run a program this large without our volunteers. Our concern is with the children. Coaching is much different than what you would expect. Even, if you have played at high levels, some of the best players make the least effect coaches, think of it this way playing versus teaching, two very different skills. Professional coaches never stop learning. No matter what you know, there is still more to learn. I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “You do not know what you do not know”, the next stage of this is, “Knowing what you do not know”. As a coach, please do your best to attend our monthly meetings (held on the first Tuesday of each month), where you will pickup the tips, lingo and tricks that will make you an effective and fun coach.


A successful coach is one who has: a team that returns each season, players that were taught new skills, made if fun and kept them challenged without being to difficult.



The (U) means under-Age Groupings


Recreational Game formats

NSA & WSSL for Soccer Season

U4-U5-U6 4v4 roster 8 max. size 3 ball

U7-U8 4v4: roster 8 max. size 3 ball

U9 & U10: 7v7 roster 12 max. size 4 ball

U11 & U12: 9v9 roster 16 max. size 4 ball

U13 & older: 11v11 roster 18 max. size 5 ball

High School Open, U15 and older

    Boys play 7v7 in the Fall and 11v11 in the Spring

    Girls play 7v7 in the Spring and 11v11 in the Fall


National & State guidelines use date of birth to determine a player’s U-Age Group (U is short for Under).