A copy of the rules (called the Laws of the Game) can be found
at the website for US Soccer.
of any kind is not permitted during a game. This includes ear rings,
rope bracelets or any object used to hold long hair in place that have hard
beads or sharp edges. Parents you will be asked to remove your player’s
is a contact sport. The impact of a ball or elbow to the right location can
drive the post of a piercing into the delicate area of the neck causing
sever damage nerves. Rope bracelets have cut into other players.
Common regulation questions
Weather related game cancellation
will play in all weather, except for lightning or hearing thunder. Coaches
may not cancel a game. Only a referee, city official or club official may
cancel a game the day of a game. Reschedules are limited, but are allowed,
provided they are arranged in advance and through your Coach/Player
Representative. Reschedule games due to weather must be completed with a
week or by the end of season. Non-weather related reschedules must be
complete 72 hours prior to game, no exceptions.
The first sign of lightning or
upon hearing of thunder or if clouds look threatening; the game or practice
must be canceled. Practices may restart based on the American Red Cross
guide lines of 30 continuous minutes of not hearing thunder or sighting of
lightning. The safety of our children will always be first. Read up on
lightning safety at: www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov
encourages all coaches to stay current with First Aid and CPA
Game Protests
judgment is final and cannot be protested! Protests will be
entertained on rule violations only. A $50 fee (payable to WSSL) is
required with the protest and is due to Steve McGuirk Administrator, within
24 hours of the game (248) 662-5159. Should you win your protest,
your $50 will be returned.
should you protest? Only consider a protest if there is an incorrect
application of a Law, i.e., direct vs an indirect kick resulting in a goal.
Keep in mind by winning a protest, you must replay the game you will not be
given win. If you have not read the WSSL Laws, do so, all
coaches need to be familiar with the rules and must carry a copy with them.
Protesting a referee decision about a foul or a through-in is not a
winnable protest. As a coach, we are teachers of our players and our youth
referees. Focus your energies on your players not the referees. Respect the
referee’s decisions. Engaging in discussion of the explanation of the rule
at half-time or at the end of the game is proper. Have them teach you what
they know.
Cold weather gear
pants are allowed. Long sleeve shirts or sweatshirts underneath the
uniform jersey are allowed. Hooded sweatshirts are discouraged, or at
the hood must be tucked underneath the uniform shirt. The hood
a danger if someone should grab a hold of it. Also allowable are
soft gloves, knit ski caps, and head band liners used as ear protectors.